One of the ongoing challenges for me and Rob, and I think for many farmers, is record keeping. What's planted, where and how, what's harvested, yields, income, time spent on various farm activities, etc. Oh, and then there would be analyzing that data and thinking about the future.
Well we do the best we can. I keep trying various methods of tracking information so we can learn from what we do each year. A lot of the challenge is just being persistent and consistent. And then there is the contrast between entering data in a spreadsheet on the computer and grubbing around in the dirt outside. If there were a way to just think out in the field and have those notes to oneself automatically be entered into whatever documents one uses for record keeping, that would be awesome. Most of the time my hands are full, covered in dirt, wet, or all three. Note-making takes a back seat.
Actually, this post is about PLANTING. I think it might be fun to record what gets planted here on the blog so anyone reading this can see what's happening. My plan is to write down what gets planted and add to it as the season goes along. CSA members can look forward to harvesting and eating these goodies.
You may click here: Sweet Morning Farm on Pinterest, to see pictures of many of these veggies and flowers.
2015 Outdoor planting:
(numbers are approximate, names are varieties, list does not include hoophouse planting)
As of April 30 we have already planted, either by seeding or transplanting:
1000 LEEKS, mostly Tadorna and Bandit with trials of Striker and Chinook
350 feet of SPINACH, Tyee
175 feet of CARROTS - Nelson, Mokum
600 SWEET ONIONS - Walla Walla, Yellow Spanish, Candy, Red Candy
350 feet of LEAF LETTUCE - Black Seeded Simpson, Red Rumple, Red Tinged Winter, Tango, Red Salad Bowl, Green Salad Bowl, Flame,
48 HEAD LETTUCES - Mayan Jaguar, Buttercrunch, Speckled Amish, Kinemontpas
BROCCOLI - Packman
ASIAN ONIONS - Shimonita
RADISHES - D'Avignon, White Icicle, Pink Beauty, Red Head, Giant Butter
100 feet PEAS - Green Arrow, Alderman, Mr. Big
125 feet of BEETS - Yellow Touchstone, Red Ace, Early Wonder Tall Top
1200 STORAGE ONIONS - Copra, Red River, Rosso di Milano, Dakota Tears
It's spring planting season, more to come soon!
May 2:
32 feet SNAP PEAS - Cascadia
40 poles POLE BEANS - Northeaster, Golden Gate, Rattlesnake, Kentucky Wonder Wax, Kentucky Blue
20 feet CILANTRO - Santo
May 3:
20 PARSLEY plants - Giant Italian, Curly (variety?)
12 Valley Girl TOMATOES (on black plastic, in a tunnel)
May 7:
150 feet of KALE & COLLARDS - Red Russian, Winterbor, Winter Red, White Russian, Tuscano, Rainbow Tuscano, Vates collards
200 feet of CHARD - Bright Lights and three kinds from Seeds from Italy seed company. It's hard to know what the varieties are called, the seed packets are mostly in Italian.
2 HOT PEPPERS in the hoophouse attached to the chicken coop - an experiment
12 SQUASH PLANTS - Golden Arrow and Jack Pot. This is another experiment, some really large plants grown with black plastic mulch and a clear plastic tunnel. We are hoping for squash in June.
May 9:
(In the Pick-Your-Own Garden)
25 feet SUNFLOWERS - Valentine and mixed
10 feet CILANTRO - Santo
5 feet NASTURTIUMS - Kaleidoscope
21 CHERRY TOMATOES - Super Snow White, Chocolate Pear, Black Cherry, Chadwick, Gardener's Delight, Lemon Drop, Esterina, Sun Gold, Sweetie
(In the coop hoophouse)
18 SUPER HOT PEPPERS - King Naga, Orange 7-Pot, Bhut Orange Copenhagen, Trinadad Scorpian, Scotch Bonnet, Habanero Big Sun, Hanoi Cayenne, Pimento Lisa
9 EGGPLANT - Listada, Ping Tung, Diamond, Orient Express
3 CUCUMBERS - Socrates
Cherry tomatoes, yum. |
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